Wednesday 25 May 2016




A LIB reader who was there recently sent in the photos. This is the runway of the Enugu Airport 
"This is extremely dangerous. Truth is, planes shouldn't be landing on this runway at all! Pot holes everywhere and they have tried patching the holes with cement, and the runway is made of asphalt. It doesn't make any sense. This is a disaster waiting to happen. I'm genuinely concerned and this needs attention ASAP. Some of the pilots have since refused to fly to Enugu due to the current situation. People's lives are at stake!" she wrote. See more photos after the cut...

Monday 23 May 2016

8 Ways To Make Ramadan A Month Of Change In Your Life

8 Ways To Make Ramadan A Month Of Change In Your Life.

8 Ways month of Change Ramadan

Bismillah Rabbi Zidnee Ilman
“My Lord! Increase me in knowledge.”

Assalamualaikum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatahu,

I always believe change is good. It’s a part of our life. If everything in life was stagnant, life would cripple us. Thus, all that we feel or experience is a blessing in disguise from Allah subhaana wa ta’aala and so is change.

We all know the change that comes with the month of Ramadan. Our entire day-to-day routine is changed- While we were struggling to wake up for fajr throughout the year, we see ourselves up an hour before fajr during Ramadan. While we are disconnected from the Quran throughout the year, we try hard to complete the entire Quran during Ramadan be it by reading it on your own or in tarawaeeh prayers. But have you ever sat back and thought that why this change is only temporary in most our lives? We do see these changes as something positive, right?

We all know how important it is for us to establish our Salah on time, how important it is to stay connected to Quran but yet we let these actions fade away so easily once Ramadan is over! Some of us even go a step further and give up our bad habits like listening to music this month, but just the day after Eid we are back to square one watching TV, listening to music and what not! Makes me question – Are we just Muslims during Ramadan? Surely not we might say, but our actions definitely depict that, astaghfirullah!

Did you know that it is a scientifically proven fact that repeating a task every day for 21 days in a row makes it a habit and doing it for 30 days ensures that your new habit gets well established? [1]

So, the blessing of Ramadan is in the fact that we perform an action consistently for 30 days, which means if some action is being performed with the right intentions then that action can become our habit, inshaAllah!

Dear Readers, let this Ramadan be not the one where we stop doing the good things once it ends. Let this Ramadan be not the one where we lose connection with Allah after it’s over! Rather let this Ramadan be one of change that is permanent and not temporary. Change that will keep you close to your deen and help you lead the life that is pleasing to Allah.

Here are 8 ways to help you hold on to the habit even after Ramadan ends:

Prophet Muhammad salAllahualayhiwasallam said: “The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended…” [2] Keep your intentions for the sake of Allah and to achieve the ultimate goal – Jannah (paradise).

During Ramadan we do things because we have to do it and not necessarily cause we want to do it. For e.g., you get up for suhur because you have to! Now what happens when Ramadan ends is that the need to wake up also ends, since that’s how we have programmed our mind for it. But in order to establish a good habit we need to be willing to do it, and not do it just for the sake of it! For this we replace the “have to” with a “want to” and of ‘course intend to do it for a good reason. Thus, instead of saying “I have to wake up early tomorrow for suhur”, you can say “I want to get up early so I can establish the habit of waking up for tahajjud for the sake of Allah”.

Stay motivated by reminding yourself why you intended to do the act in the first place; remember how Allah is pleased with it. Read about the virtues of the actions that you are performing, make a mental note of it or write it on a stick note and put it up in a place where it will serve as a reminder for you.

For example, if you have developed the habit of reading Quran everyday then remind yourself of this hadith: “Whoever reads a letter from the Book of Allah, he will have a reward. And that reward will be multiplied by ten. I am not saying that “Alif, Laam, Meem” is a letter, rather I am saying that “Alif” is a letter, “laam” is a letter and “meem” is a letter.” [3] [4]

Or if you are working on getting up for fajr then remind yourself: “Whoever prays fajr is under the protection of Allah. Do not put yourselves in a situation where Allah has to call you to account for your negligence.” [5]

NEVER give up. You might slow down a bit but make sure you don’t stop doing it completely. The moment you see yourself falling, pull the “danger” trigger and lift yourself up again!

A sister mentioned that one of the reasons she is unable to keep up her habits after Ramadan is because of absence of family participation. So, one way to tackle this is by finding an imaan buddy. They can be anyone from your close friends or even a family member, someone who will help you hold on to your habits and you help them with theirs. You also keep a check on each other’s Imaan levels and give it a lift when there is need. Make a pact with them and help each other to keep the spirits high even after Ramadan.

If you do not have any family members or friends who can be help you with this then find someone online in an Islamic forum or group. In worst case if you do not find anyone, then don’t give in. Remind yourself you are doing this for the sake of your akhira and on the day of judgement you are going to be questioned alone!

Satan will try everything possible to get you out of any habit that is bringing you closer to Allah. But don’t give in to his whispers and suggestions. Remember he promised to do everything to lead us astray, don’t let him win! Seek Allah’s help at every step.

A dear sister always recommends performing wudu and offering 2 rakat nafl salah repeatedly until we feel. So, whenever you feel like giving up or the day you feel too weak to continue with what you are doing then try this mantra. It works wonders, mashaAllah!

I’d like to share a personal experience when it comes to breaking bad habits. One Ramadan, I gave up watching TV and alhumdulillah I managed to continue this for about 2 months after that. But then it so happened that I was oblivious to the other things I can do, since most of my time was spent in watching TV otherwise. Once I was extremely “bored” and had nothing to do, so to kill time I decided I’d watch some TV but restrict to watching just good stuff like Discovery and National Geography. Now, that was enough for my habit of watching TV to relapse, I didn’t even realise when I started watching those addictive soaps again, astaghfirullah.

The reason I mention this is because if you too have decided to give up on some bad habit then be sure that Satan will try to get you back into doing it, so don’t let yourself get even close to that habit. Stay away from it, the people and the place that might make it relapse again. Above all, keep yourself busy!

Don’t forget Allah loves deeds that are consistent even if small. The Prophet salAllahualayhi wa sallam said: “Do good deeds properly, sincerely and moderately and know that your deeds will not make you enter Paradise, and that the most beloved deed to Allah’s is the most regular and constant even though it were little.” [6]

I understand that it’s easier to do things in Ramadan because firstly the devils are locked up, so we have only our nafs to fight against and secondly there is a positive vibe in air that keeps us going. Like a sister put it there is a disciplined structure that comes with Ramadan and there are a lot of communal activities happening that motivate us and with Ramadan even these end, so it becomes a lot harder to hold on to the good that we were doing during this month. But let’s remember – anyone can hold the helm when the sea is calm.

Thus, a strong Muslim is one who can handle the storm. He/she is not the one who can be good during Ramadan but rather the one who can be good otherwise too for the sake of Allah subhaana wa ta’aala. So, this Ramadan AND after it’s over, let’s strive to be that strong Muslim! Are all of you in for this challenge?

Mind Blowing Messages Hidden In Disney Movies

Mind Blowing Messages Hidden In Disney Movies

We all have one thing in common. No matter how old we get, we will always love anything and everything Disney! It just never gets old, and is continuously amazing us in every way possible. So, for all the Disney lovers out there, you’re going to love this! These are scenes in Disney movies which contain hidden messages. Some are hard to pick up if you are just watching the movies. But, here they are in a nutshell! One thing we learned is that Disney loves cameo appearances in all their films. Recycled characters at their best.


15 Reasons You Should NEVER Travel to the Netherland

15 Reasons You Should NEVER Travel to the Netherlands

So, you think you’d like to go check out the Netherlands, do you? Your friends have taken vacations there and have come back to tell you how awesome it is. Well, we’ve got news for you: They’re lying to you. There’s absolutely no good reason that you or anyone else should ever travel to the Netherlands for anything, not even for business, but most especially for a vacation. What’s that? You don’t believe us? You’d prefer to believe your friends and travel bloggers instead… Fine, we’ll prove it to you. Check out these 15 reasons that you should absolutely never travel to the Netherlands!

25 Most Gorgeous Female Politicians

25 Most Gorgeous Female Politicians

Politics is never business as usual and who wouldn’t want brains, beauty and confidence? We have here a list of twenty five ladies that are making major inroads in the world of politics while being very photogenic. Isn’t it just better to have younger, attractive people making the policies we don’t appreciate? If your community is fortunate enough to have one of these 25 beautiful policymakers, then we envy you! Politics just got a whole lot less boring.


NYSC denies plan to attack corps members in Rivers

NYSC denies plan to attack corps members in Rivers

The National Youth Service Corps on Monday described as false, rumours of a plot to attack corps members serving in Tai Local Government Area of Rivers State.

Mrs Violet Appolo, NYSC Public Relations Officer in the state, made the denial via a text message to the News Agency of Nigeria.

“It is not true that corps member are to be attacked. It is just a rumour,” she stated.

Mr Pekins Kelo, Caretaker Committee Chairman of the local government, however, said that the threat to attack corps members posted to the area emanated from the social media.

Kelo said the threat was posted on May 21, adding that the local council had since alerted security agencies of the threat.

“It is a social media problem, it was posted that political thugs will attack corps members in Tai.

“So, I reached out to the Department of State Security and Nigeria Police Force, Rivers Command to make security arrangements for all corps members in Tai,” he said.

Kelo said the local government and security agencies were on top of the situation.




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Thousands of people from around the world are investing their money in online trading. Some of them trade once a week, others every day, but they are all a part of the online trading community.

And here is why:

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This is one of the advantages that online trading has over any other type of investment. In trading profit opportunities come at any time, making it possible to always earn.

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Being able to trade on your mobile devices is a true game changer. Most of our traders have a day job, and the time they had to trade was limited. Now, with mobile trading apps, they can trade anytime and anywhere: on the way to work, at their lunch break, at the gym... There a re no limits. The access to great opportunities is no longer limited to a place or time.

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Many traders are new and unfamiliar with online trading and have no idea what to do. However, they don't give up the idea of earning extra profits. They take an online trading course and start learning how to do it step-by-step, until they manage to earn on their own. Their personal trainer is supporting them from their first day of trading.

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Most traders love their job and would never give it up, even for the opportunity to earn extra cash. However, they discovered that with online trading they do not have to give up anything: neither their job nor their free time. They can invest whenever they want in 20 minutes or less.’

Jonathan authorised N400m for Metuh to fight ‘smear campaign ‘ – Witness

Jonathan authorised N400m for Metuh to fight ‘smear campaign ‘ – Witness

Former President Goodluck Jonathan

Ade Adesomoju, Abuja

A defence witness, Mr. Anthony Okeke, in the ongoing trial of the National Publicity Secretary of the Peoples Democratic Party, Mr. Olisa Metuh, told a Federal High Court in Abuja that  former President Goodluck Jonathan’s image was battered by the then opposition All Progressives Congress’ “smear campaign”.

Okeke is a lawyer and a former Acting National Publicity Secretary of the PDP, who handed over to Metuh in September 2013.

BREAKING: Fresh fraud uncovered in NNPC

BREAKING: Fresh fraud uncovered in NNPC

Toyota Sienna 2002

Toyota Sienna 2002

Toyota Sienna 2002 | Cars for sale in Ibadan North West, Oyo, Nigeria 

Nigerian Tinsel star actress cries out after suffering a different type of domestic violence, from her own blood! krab 04:02

BREAKING: Cristiano Ronaldo will not play, according to Radio Marca


Nigerian Tinsel star actress cries out after suffering a different type of domestic violence, from her own blood!


3 Keys To Real Madrid Beating Atletico Madrid In The Champions League Final By Timm Higgins @TimmHiggins on May 20, 2016, 1:24p 186 Photo by Gonzalo Arroyo Moreno/Getty Images

3 Keys To Real Madrid Beating Atletico Madrid In The Champions League Final

Photo by Gonzalo Arroyo Moreno/Getty Images

Man’s daring “parachute” proposal idea turns into a flop krab 03:59 The plan of a lover boy in Yichang city in Hubei Province, China, to propose to his girlfriend by surprising her by landing in front of her using a parachute, didn’t work the way he wanted, no thanks to a gale of wind that swept his parachute, changing his course of direction. He ended up crashing on a tree and was stuck there. Firefighters had to come for rescue. Afterwards, he continued his love quest but his hope that the story would have a happy ending, was dashed after his girlfriend refused his proposal…. bt collected d ring….

The plan of a lover boy in Yichang city in Hubei Province, China, to propose to his girlfriend by surprising her by landing in front of her using a parachute, didn’t work the way he wanted, no thanks to a gale of wind that swept his parachute, changing his course of direction. 
He ended up crashing on a tree and was stuck there. Firefighters had to come for rescue. Afterwards, he continued his love quest but his hope that the story would have a happy ending, was dashed after his girlfriend refused his proposal…. bt collected d ring….
The plan of a lover boy in Yichang city in Hubei Province, China, to propose to his girlfriend by surprising her by landing in front of her using a parachute, didn’t work the way he wanted, no thanks to a gale of wind that swept his parachute, changing his course of direction. 
He ended up crashing on a tree and was stuck there. Firefighters had to come for rescue. Afterwards, he continued his love quest but his hope that the story would have a happy ending, was dashed after his girlfriend refused his proposal…. bt collected d ring….

Gov. Rochas Okorocha and family shower their maid of over 20 years with gifts at her wedding

"A real life evidence of "Grass to Grace" was what played out in the life of Cha cha(charity) as she's fondly called who served as a 'maid' to the family of His Excellency Owelle Rochas Okorocha, who helped raise all of the Governors' 5 children right from childhood that two of them are now married, for whom they had to travel into the country to attend her wedding who Over 20years as being a part of the Gov.'s family and yesterday after even she had lost hope of marriage, was celebrated with the greatest honour ever, she was showered with gifts(A brand new car, Cash gift, Home utensils, etc courtesy Nneoma Okorocha) His Excellency even performed a song for the couple as he stood there tear-eyed in between them. It was a real atmosphere of emotion, love and gratitude in honour of the couple yesterday."

Gov. Rochas Okorocha and family shower their maid of over 20 years with gifts at her wedding

Charity, fondly called Cha cha, worked for Governor Rochas Okorocha as a maid for over 20 years and helped raise his five children. She got married over the weekend to Hycenth and the Okorocha family came all out to honour her. Photographer Michael Omoboriowo writes after the cut...

Buhari to spend N3.9bn on Aso Rock maintenance – Punch...


Pres. Buhari will spend N3.914bn on the maintenance of the Presidential Villa, Abuja this year, Punch reports. This is apart from another N282.962m already set aside for the General Maintenance Services ( GMS ) of State House (Headquarters); and the N41.844m budgeted for GMS of State House Operations (Vice President).

These figures are contained in the details of the 2016 budget made available on the website of the Budget Office. The N3.914bn for Annual Routine Maintenance of Villa Facilities, will be paid to Julius Berger Plc, saddled with the responsibility of maintaining Aso Rock.

The State House Operations (President) got a total allocation of N1.698bn while State House Operations (Vice-President) got a total allocation of N289.617m. Out of the N282.962m budgets for GMS of State House (Headquarters), N182.079m will be spent on maintenance of motor vehicles/transport equipment.

N11.545m for the maintenance of office furniture; N27.846m for the maintenance of office/IT equipment; N13.620m for the maintenance of plants/generators and N47.870m for other maintenance services.

The breakdown of the N41.844m budgeted for General Maintenance Services of State House Operations (Vice President) shows that N27.139m is for the maintenance of motor vehicles/transport equipment; N1.451m for the maintenance of office furniture; N4.422m for the maintenance of plants/generator; and N8.832m for other maintenance services.

Under Materials and Supplies, N103.470m is budgeted for foodstuff/catering materials supplies; N321.070m for miscellaneous; N276.879m for honorarium and sitting allowance; while N44.190m is allocated to publicity and advertisement. N32.368m is allocated to General Consulting and Professional Services.

Under that category, financial consulting got N25.063m; N2.713m allocated to legal services; and N4.591 budgeted for budget preparation. The FG will also be buying recreation materials worth N12.075m for the Presidential Villa during the year…. n ds includes 2 customized jerseys of whichever club dt wins d UEFA Champions League….