Thursday 7 April 2016

Family Who Left Dog Alone For Three Hours Come Home To An Almighty Mess

Family Who Left Dog Alone For Three Hours Come Home To An Almighty Mess

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A family who popped out for a quick trip to the cinema came home to discover their home in absolute chaos - and one very guilty looking dog sitting alongside.
Hilarious photos show the pet husky sitting there like butter wouldn’t melt, despite some major tell-tale signs that he had been up to no good.
Black paw prints can be seen covering the floors all over the house - with the odd print also made on the duvet, sofa and under tables.
It seems that the playful pooch had found the family’s calligraphy set and decided to have a nose around.
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Carnage: Black paw prints cover the floor (Imgur)
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Welcome home: The family had only been out for three hours (Imgur)
Having spilt the ink in the hallway, the dog then walked right through it and ran amok through every room.
It wasn’t just prints, either - bags and books are strewn all over the floor after the dog seemingly ran and jumped all over the furniture.
The pictures were posted on Imgur by friends of the family under the caption: “A family went to movie for 3 hrs come back to this [sic].”

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