Friday 22 April 2016

Weirld Animaln Found Washed Upon The Beach

23 Weird Animals Found Washed Up On The Beach

Think you are familiar with all animals? Apparently, some rather strange and very unfamiliar creatures have turned up on the shores of beaches around the world! You’d be surprised to see them all.
From otherworldly oddities to grotesque monstrosities, we’ve compiled the world’s weirdest!
Here 23 weird animals found washed up on the beach.

1. Dinosaur-Like Turtle

Pic shows: The giant turtle that was going to be cooked, but finally it escaped. Russian social media users are getting excited over this dinosaur-like creature found recently in a local river. With a shell covered in spikes and a bizarre-shaped the creature which one picture is being held up by its tail quickly sparked heated debate over exactly what it was. It was posted online Anastasia Steshina with the comment: "When we saw it, we did not even realize that it was a turtle. It reminded us of a dinosaur." And now the bizarre creature has been identified as a giant turtle normally found in the warm waters of the American south-east, although exactly how it turned up alive on the banks of a river in the Russian Far East is a mystery. Its official name is the alligator snapping turtle – which is the heaviest freshwater turtle in the world – and it was found alongside the Amur River, the world's 10th longest, near the Leninskoye settlement. Pictures of the animal, which has powerful jaws, pointy ridges down its shell, and rough ridged skin like an alligator, were at first branded fake, until a video also appeared showing how local people were trying to make the turtle swim back into the river. Speaking at the beginning of the clip, a woman is heard saying: "Releasing the beast into the wild." A man then carries the turtle closer to the river and then splashes it with water before trying to push it in with his boots. The woman filming the video responds by telling him: "Don’t! Look it doesn’t understand yet what's going on." The man then carries the animal closer to the water and then adds: "We will put it close to the water, so it will understand faster." Finally the turtle goes to the water and swims away. Anastasia Steshina, who also made the video, said: "It was caught by my fisherman friend. When I got the call I immediately rushed to watch and take pics. "I have never seen such a thing before and neither have my friends. We talked to the local fishermen and they think it is not the only one here since, they say, such animals do not live alone. "There are rumours that we harmed the animal. But as can be seen on the video, we did not do anything harmful, just pushed it to the water. It swam away and was not turned into someone's soup." She added: "It wasn’t just scary - it was biting through sticks with its jaws and tried to attack us, awkwardly though because it is a water animal. That said, it can move on the ground and you can see it has claws – and I tell you, they are very big." Locals believe it probably escaped a Chinese breeder further up the river on the north-eastern Chinese side of the border. (ends)
If you are thinking that it is some sort of a made-up creature, then you are definitely wrong. This photo is a real one! After several studies, the dinosaur-like turtle was identified as “alligator snapping turtle” considered as the heaviest freshwater turtle in the planet.

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